Kakuma Refugee Camp
Access to education is a fundamental right, yet 80 million refugees don't have it. Generation Aid Kenya is re-skilling unemployed refugees with technology training to attain job opportunities and better livelihood.
STEM Access Foundation partnered up with Generation Aid to help refugees of all ages gain new skills that they can use to find career opportunities. Our current focus is to deliver online courses on Photoshop, Sketch Up, Canva, e-commerce sites, and Amazon Marketplace, so they can start making money as freelancers.
The context:
In early 2022 I was contacted by Hubert Senga, Founder and CEO of non-profit Generation Aid, about helping their organization. I was very impressed by Hubert’s hard work in the Kakuma refugee camp to ensure that they lead a sustainable life through technology Education and livelihood. I firmly believe that people should be equipped with tools and knowledge in order to improve level live of themselves, their communities and ultimately their country.
Being in space of innovative construction tech, Nick and I decided to contribute by donating Apis Cor’s online courses on 3D-printing construction technology for the bootcamp. We personally donated to purchase a TV screen and internet access for classes to be held.
Hubert Senga receiving an internet kit from a US donor!
About Generation Aid: [video]
Our vision is a meaningful career and sustained well-being for every person, anywhere in the world.
Our mission is to transform education to employment systems to prepare, place and support people into life-changing careers that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Our impact: 13 refugees completed the course and we had a graduation party with the ceremony of granting Official Certificates of Completion!
Not all of the refugee were able to complete the course due to long trek to classroom, but the bigger challenge was that the classroom could not really withstand weather conditions like rain and wind. Courses were interrupted many times.
Thus, the next step was to build a new classroom, which Generation Aid completed by having just a $1,000 donation that Nick and I contributed personally. Now, we are on the way to equip the newly built classroom with furniture and equipment like laptops, projector, and whiteboards so that Generation Aid can host additional courses for refugees.
Unpacking the newly bought TV screen from my donated funds
July 2022
Hosting Apis Cor’s online classes: “Fundamentals of Construction 3D printing’”
Summer 2022 [Video]
Graduation Ceremony
October 2022
2023: A Newly Built Classroom!
Generation Aid’s team has completed construction of the new classroom that we donated to build. A new journey has begun! There is now better conditions for refugees to focus on education without distraction and accelerate their path to secure a better job and means to earn income.
We are working on getting these equipment installed in the classroom by the end of 2023:
chairs & tables
projector & screen
sacks of cement
storage cabinets
internet router and booster
solar panels and batteries to power the classroom